My blogging has been almost non-existent lately. And I can’t really tell you why! I so want to blog more and last week the lovely Angela (@angpang on Twitter) pinged me with an unusual meme. Do click her post, her picture is one of the most poignant pictures of the twentieth century. Yes. It is.
I must choose a photograph that means something special to me – could be by me, of me or by somebody else of something else. I have lots of my own photographs that I’m very happy with, proud of and that hold cherished memories. But I’ve chosen a third party photograph because I really, really thought the world would change for the better when I saw it on the front page of my newspaper. I cut the picture out and hung it on my notice board. My colleagues thought I was bonkers (guess they thought that even before the “picture incident”, but it confirmed their suspicions).

It was September 13th 1993 and I was so joyous at seeing this picture that I almost cried. I truly believed that world peace was within reach and that this was the first step. It’s a miracle that I’m not an ice-cold cynic today, all things considered!
If all these events are a bit blurry to you, here‘s a blog dedicated to President Clinton’s efforts for peace in the Middle East.
Actually, the meme is called My Favourite Photograph and of course, this is not my favourite photograph. I have twisted the concept a bit, I know. If the poor bloggers, who I’ll now tag with this meme, want to take it back to it’s original meaning, they are absolutely free. Also, as Angela rightly writes, they shouldn’t feel obligated to respond. Only if it inspires them like it did me. Thank you Angela – also for your support in more mundane matters…
These are the bloggers I’ve tagged:
Returning the favour Goonerjamie! By the way, if you don’t know him, go read his tribute to his parents. Fantastic reading!
Mr. London Street is a relatively new acquaintance of mine, a rather more successful blogger than yours truly. I dare him with this meme because he never/rarely uses pictures on his blog. Will he make an exception?
And while I have my daring hat on, I’ll tag another very successful blogger, Motherhood The Final Frontier. A British pop singer in California, who can write about very trivial things so you writhe with laughter.
Tagging Eyglo isn’t very nice of me, as she’s the newest mother I know. So Eyglo, if you’re not up to this you’re absolutely forgiven. The reason I tag her is that she’s a brilliant photographer – just check her photos if in doubt.
I tag Lulu’s Lala Life because Lulu needs encouragement. Poor thing is bored to death in her new job. So L, please share a favourite photo with us!
Lisa is Danish/Greenlandish and only very recently I met her in the flesh. That was after having known her for about five years, where we’ve been following each others’ online presences… it was a REAL pleasure to meet her and I’m confident that it wasn’t the last time. Lisa is a keen photographer, see her masterly pictures here.
I know it’s always “tag ten bloggers” og “tag five”, but I’ve chosen to just tag the ones I felt like tagging today. If you feel left out, I’m sorry. Really.

And on an entirely unrelated note, can I please plug two items I’ve come across on Twitter today. They are COMPLETELY unrelated, but both touched me profoundly.
This is a little video showing my favourite living artist David Hockney’s drawings on his Iphone. Fantastic! And this is a little article in Huffington Post by a dad who also happens to be one of those admirable lawyers who work for death row inmates in the US. Such a moving piece. Write him a comment to show your support.
Have just finished mine do I get a gold star for promptness?
Thank you for taking the meme up, I really enjoyed your post.
I had a similar (but much less globally significant) illusion about the future on the night of the millennium.
Me and the other half had decided to meet it in a memorable way and parked on the side of a mountain in Wales (my feet took a few days to defrost).
At a few minutes to midnight the radio played some dull 80s music and I remember thinking “in the new millennium they won’t bother playing any of this old crap anymore, we’re going to be free of it all…”
How wrong can you be.
And would you believe when Big Ben struck 12, a tow truck drove passed us (this was a very remote road high up a mountain) with a crane on the back manufactured by one of my clients. Work came and found me.
I think I’ve blogged before about what is probably my favourite photograph – it’s the first photo in this post.
Lovely post of yours by the way. Thanks for tagging me!
@ Jamie: I’ve rewarded you your gold stars on Twitter. Good boy!
@ Angela: Thanks for picking me for the meme. Funny to think back. Like your millennium story. I wondered about the fact the the truck driver didn’t even stop for a few minutes at such a “momentous” moment? But then he was probably from somewhere in Europe and had had his New Year an hour earlier…
@ Mr London Street: I loved your post, got a wee tear in the corner of my eye there. Our wedding was also a quiet affair, nonetheless memorable for it!
Also appreciate the significance of all three of you writing about a precious and special moment in time with your significant other!