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High IQ = longer life expectancy?

Well, here’s another subject, besides feminism, that will trigger something in a lot of people. IQ. Just read this cool article, found on Twitter. The findings of the study aren’t really that surprising – the higher IQ, the better education. The better education, the better understanding of health issues. The better understanding of health issues and what to do to improve your own health, the longer the life expectancy. No magic, jut logic.

I would like some input about how to spot children with very high IQs in schools and about what to do, once they are identified. Please document your advice.

From the Wikipedia Commons
The IQs of a large enough population can be modeled with a Normal Distribution. From the Wikipedia Commons

@ my post on random acts of kindness, I got no replies. None. Is it considered as boasting when you claim that you like to perform random acts of kindness? Honestly, it isn’t. I just find it a very easy way to boost my own mood. When you see the smile on the other person’s face, it makes you feel good, instantly. No magic there either and no altruism to speak of! What did I do? A woman, probably in her 50ties, went on the scales in my gym. A sad look crossed her face when she saw the figure and she said to me that she was so disappointed because she had worked out so hard lately and it didn’t show on the scales. I said to her, that I thought she should stop going on the scales and just look at herself and see that she looked really good for a person of her age and stature and then go out and buy herself a spring outfit as a reward for her keeping up with her fitness regime. That was clearly just what she needed to hear. She was literally glowing afterwards. And it made me feel good too!

7 tanker om “High IQ = longer life expectancy?”

  1. Maybe logic, but also a question of $ ! Better education= Better job = More money = Better diet! (Even though, I find junkfood in all it’s variations- extremely expensive) But “poorer” people tends to eat more junkfood according to to studies.
    So it’s not only a question of higher IQ, but also what you do with that intelligence! I find it a bit condesending to say; that because of a high IQ, you live your life in a healthier way than folks with lower IQ – I seem to recall Einstein, for one) smoked, and a lot of very intelligent people (on genius level) have very low social skills and are incapable of cooking food, let alone lead a healthy diet.. And a lot of very smart people have an addiction problem; drinking, medication or drugs- Not very healthy either; I would like to see that swedish (Sweden being a country where acces to alcohol is restricted)) – study in detail!

    I’ve just reread the article; The study might be accurate, but I fail to concur with the explanations of the good Doctor Batty! (Maybe his name is indication of someone is pulling our leg? I mean, how do you get hold of the IQ of a million men in a society like Sweden? – In the army? And if so; No wonder they are more active and smoke/drink less there!)

    Anyway; Kudos to you Néné for posting such interesting posts on a regular basis

  2. @ Dorthe: Mange, mange tak. Jeg har sat din blog på listen over to-do’s i dag :-)

    @ Gabs: You’re right. But you’re also wrong. Unfortunately, a good deal of the people with money (although obviously not all of them, look around you…) have money because they have a (relatively) high IQ and therefore made it a priority to get an education. This – all of it, money, education, IQ – is passed on to their children. It’s a case of positive quantification. Unfortunately that leads to negative quantification at the other end of the spectre!
    Another thing is of course that there are multiple exceptions to every rule. Although it is proven beyond a doubt that the better off and better educated smoke less and are less overweight than the general population, there are pockets in this group who smoke, drink and eat with a vengeance. I could mention artists or journalists!? When it comes to people with mental illnesses and addictions, I don’t think they really fit into statistics like this one, because their illness takes priority over so much else in their lives.
    And yes, the stats in my post were from the army. That produces a number of biases, all I believe properly acknowledged by the authors, among them not least the total absence of women. However, the fact that it’s the army doesn’t preclude bad eating habits, heavy drinking and smoking in my book.

  3. Pingback: Twitterism & loads of links | La Beet

  4. @admin: “…there are pockets in this group who smoke, drink and eat with a vengeance. I could mention artists or journalists!? When it comes to people with mental illnesses and addictions, I don’t think they really fit into statistics like this one, because their illness takes priority over so much else in their lives.”

    Ah, finally someone had the courage to say it. But is art an addiction or a mental disease? Probably a bit of both. Journalism is, of course, a mental disease, I agree with you on that.

  5. The accepted U.S. IQ assessment instrument may be a comparison of human ability to comprehend and predict. Execution potential ignored.

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