Tag en kaffe-lur
Jeg holder meget af kaffe – det ved de fleste, der kender mig bare en lillebitte smule. Nu har jeg læst om fænomenet “en kaffelur”,… Læs mere »Tag en kaffe-lur
Jeg holder meget af kaffe – det ved de fleste, der kender mig bare en lillebitte smule. Nu har jeg læst om fænomenet “en kaffelur”,… Læs mere »Tag en kaffe-lur
Bredgade Kunsthandel er et af mine favorit-gallerier. Ikke fordi de i særlig grad har fantastiske kunstnere, men fordi alle tilknyttede altid er så venlige og imødekommende.… Læs mere »Zoran Juresa i Bredgade Kunsthandel
Denne serie om børn og deres færden på nettet startede med et kig i krystalkuglen. Er du lærer og skal undervise børnene i grundreglerne for… Læs mere »Research checkliste
Her på kvindernes internationale kampdag synes jeg jo, at jeg må skrive lidt her på bloggen. Men jeg orker ikke lige den vending diskussionen har… Læs mere »Immaterielle rettigheder og alt det…
On Mashable you can read some details about what ACTA entails for us mortals and also see an interesting video where some VIPs discuss ACTA… Læs mere »I worry about #ACTA. You should too.
It’s hard to think of much beside or above the events in Egypt. If it’s not at the forefront of your mind, take a moment,… Læs mere »Egypt, the entertainment industry and tea towels
is what my intellectual life has felt like lately. I’ve read a lot of very inspiring stuff but felt completely incapable of commenting on it… Læs mere »Like walking in water
but I never seem to get down there! One reason is that the nearest library is in Woking, our local town, which I’m not particularly… Læs mere »I want to go to the library
What do they have in common? On the surface of it, nothing. But I see two things. One – they’re both sign o’ the times.… Læs mere »Copyright and airport security
A friend of mine sent me this very funny episode of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. You won’t be surprised to hear that his… Læs mere »Ms. Palin revisited and other odds and ends
Low self esteem, not very hard-working, kind or generous. However, creative. Indie. High self-esteem, very creative, hard-working and at ease with myself, but not very… Læs mere »What does my musical taste say about me?
Here’s the inside news on the Google browser, Chrome. And here’s Google’s own post announcing it. I don’t (yet) see features that I’ve desperately craved,… Læs mere »Chrome
I wrote the other day about Mrs. Palin’s Wikipedia entry probably undergoing changes as I was writing. I was more on the spot there than… Læs mere »Wikipedia
Slate, New York Times, The American Prospect, Megan McArdle and a lot of sites that they’re linking to discuss the Obama speech. They seem to… Læs mere »A little Obama and a lot of other stuff
No matter how hard I try, I never seem to be quite up to speed with what’s going on out there in the world. Today… Læs mere »The Gift Economy?
Now, what kind of idiot does a thing like this? Thank you to Capac for the pointer. I’m always going on about TED (Technology Entertainment… Læs mere »Links