Spring til indhold

Driving the RV

is what we’ve been doing today. Or David has, more precisely. We’re now at a very posh campsite 40 miles north of Houston, and Dane and David are already sleeping. We drove 200 miles (app. 300 km.) and that took us about 4 hours including a stop along the way for a sandwich. This is where the benefits of travelling in an RV really kick in. You park the vehicle, turn on the generator and then turn off the engine. Everything inside runs smoothly and you can use the toilet, make sandwiches and do your hair or whatever – in a nice cool environment in spite of the 90 degrees outside.

Tomorrow we’re heading for the NASA space center and then on to the beaches at Galveston. The weather has cleared and the weatherman promises sun over the weekend. It was a good friend of mine who reminded me of the space center – it had completely slipped my mind. I would have been quite sorry if we’d missed that – it’s just Dane’s cup of tea. Actually, he’s already got a little copy of the space shuttle!

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