This is an absolutely brilliant post by a young PR wizard about technophobia. Particularly addressing privacy issues, something I often find myself discussing with people. This young man addresses it very well. It was Jesse Newhart who twittered about him.
Google seems to be headed towards semantic search. Well explained on Mashable.
Another PR guy who knows what he’s talking about is Brian Solis. Check out his blog. He’s come up with this model of how online conversation is taking place – if you look at the prism directly on Flickr you can see Solis’ notes by moving the cursor. Quite brilliantly done. Thanks to Gabs for pointer.
I like watching 24 on the telly, it’s highly addictive. But I often think to myself that the show in almost every episode indicates that torture gives results, although all research shows that it doesn’t. People will say just about anything to be freed of the pain. This guy clearly hasn’t revealed anything of any interest to anyone, but that didn’t keep the US back from holding him imprisoned in Guantanamo for almost five years… it’s so embarrassing for the free world that we’re complicit in this!
Quite a few Twitterers have pointed to Newswipe, a new programme on the BBC, and – having just finished watching it on the Iplayer – I must say it’s just fantastic! The middle part about the power of the PR agencies over the oh-so-slack media is saddeningly sobering. Likewise the last bit about a tiny demonstration, which was blown completely out of proportion by the media.
News about one of my Most Hated Organisations. NRA. Obama, don’t let them get away with it!
Do you love or hate chick flicks? A rather learned article on the subject. Including some depressing figures about women in the film biz.
Oh, please give me something to do that doesn’t have a downside to it? The newest environmental fad, which I’m also following, is to eat less meat. An article on BBC News tells me that that’s not an altogether good thing to be promoting, since people in the developing world need the protein they get from their livestock. The article is sort of made to look like there are two conflicting views here, but I don’t really think there are! No doubt all of us in the West could benefit from eating less meat? Healthwise and environmentally? That doesn’t mean we’re aiming at stopping African herders from eating their cattle!? Come on!
How the brain tends to switch off completely when put in front of a so-called expert. Avoid them, I say!
Ever wondered what’s on the other side of the planet? Literally? Wonder no more. For me? Ocean. Pointer from Sheamus.
Scientists are getting closer to finding the cause(s) of the demise of the honey bee. Good news, eh? Then we just need to do something about it!
An article in Newsweek has this question:
How do you keep people interested in green initiatives and saving the environment at a time when people are concerned about their jobs?
That seems like such a silly thing to ask, when the vast majority of things you can do yourself for the environment is about being frugal? The article is interesting enough though, since it tries to answer the overlying question, which is whether there’s political will in a time of recession to invest heavily in the environment.
Growing hemp could be one of the answers to Newsweek’s question.
Where not otherwise indicated the above links are found via my own RSS feeds or via the busy, busy Nerdnews on Twitter.
Concerning the food-issue we also have to reflect another major problem – maybe the biggest one… The Growth of the Worlds Populations. Years ago the french philosopher Michel Serres wrote a book, where he pointed at this severe problem.
Absolutely. Which, I guess, is another argument for us Westerners to eat less meat so there’s more of the world’s “quota” for the rapidly expanding so-called 3rd World!
Problem is: How do we stop the Growth? – or maybe even reduce the Number of Human Beings? Even i China, where there is a official Policy saying “One Child per Couple” The Population is still growing (eating meat, poluting…).
And I’m not sure, that a change of our own comsumption of meat nessecarily will help the 3rd World.
Anyway, there’s is a lot of related and complicated problems attached to the Question of Food. But we have to begin somewhere. Cutting down meat, eat more local organic food and so on. We have to move on, even if it’s complicated, and there’s no simple Solution…