I saw this tweet earlier today and was reminded of how often I get that feeling.
One thing is that some people have the time, the energy and the wherewithal to transform a tweetet link into a blogpost or FB-status update at the time when I tweet it into my timeline. Good for them and sad for me that I didn’t sit down and do it right there and then. Another thing all together is when people don’t acknowledging their sources.
When I read something directly on a website, I’ll tweet the link with a comment or my own angle on the story. If the link comes from Twitter, I’ll tweet it as an RT or with a via-reference. Generally, and I believe that people who know Twitter well will agree with me, you know whether something interesting has been tweetet *from a stream near you* earlier that day or not. A few times a month I *know* that I was first with something – if not the link, then the angle. And then I get REALLY annoyed when other tweeps pass it on as their own in tweets, blogposts, newsletters, etc. Why can’t they just mention, in passing, where they saw it first?
Am I being over-sensitive, I wonder?
I don’t think that you are being over-sensitive, declaring one’s sources is only fair.
I have confronted a friend with a likewise situation (him posting somewhere with my specific angle on a fairly current subject); he was surprised, as it appeared that we actually had gotten the same idea, and he hadn’t been aware of my post (in another forum) before my mentioning it. What I’m trying to say is: it DOES happen from time to time, that several get the same idea without stealing it.
I sometimes follow links to blogs in tweets, and find that RT will not do justice to *my* angle on the subject. Should I then declare a *via* when I post my tweet mentioning the same blogpost?
Oh yes, sure, it happens! Which is why I tread very carefully here. I do not believe that I’m uniquely clever – far from it. But it tends to be the same few people doing the stealing in a recognisable pattern!
Also, some links are RT’d so many times that further RT’ing becomes irrelevant and disturbing.
I totally agree with you; it’s good behavior. I have one problem, though, that I haven’t found a solution for: when I tweet a link, that I got from a friend on Facebook, or the other way around, how do I acknowledge the source then? Because who I follow on twitter are not the same people I follow on Facebook. It would make no sense to my friends on Facebook, if I acknowledged @labeet for a link, they wouldn’t know what I’m talking about. What to do?
Have had the same issue @linse – “solve” it by mentioning on Twitter that it’s from a FB friend. It doesn’t acknowledge the friend, but at least shows that I haven’t found the source myself. I very rarely post the other way, but if I do, I’ll say “from @ldaugaard on Twitter” to make it possible for FB-people to identify the source if they want to.
Thanks, that’s a very good compromise :-)