Like if you Hate
I går læste jeg denne blogpost fra New York Times om en sørgelig, sørgelig hændelse for en lille dreng på Facebook. Hvis du ikke orker… Læs mere »Like if you Hate
I går læste jeg denne blogpost fra New York Times om en sørgelig, sørgelig hændelse for en lille dreng på Facebook. Hvis du ikke orker… Læs mere »Like if you Hate
I dag i Berlingske Tidende har cand. mag. Mette Thomsen, som jeg tror er kvinden bag dette designfirma, en kommentar om børn og ny teknologi.… Læs mere »Det er teknologiens skyld
I find myself caught up in a parent-spiral and I believe many of my thinking co-parents feel the same. Parents are expected to do ever… Læs mere »Curling children and helicopter parents
(summary in English below) at Folketingets nye flertal ville starte med at trække en streg i sandet og lægge alle former for symbolpolitik på hylden.… Læs mere »Man kunne jo forestille sig
at vi kunne bløde fronterne lidt op i den danske skolediskussion! Jeg er selv sådan lidt “blå” i skolespørgsmål, da jeg mener at vi snyder… Læs mere »Man kunne jo forestille sig
Knowing how it upsets quite a few of my male readers I just can’t help myself. It’s Ada Lovelace day today, so we’re celebrating women… Læs mere »Waving the feminist flag again
I’ve been reading some Danish blogs’n’stuff lately since I was in Denmark and was alerted to a friend’s new blog and reminded of an old… Læs mere »Pink
The first many times I heard this, I quietly wondered to myself, What do they mean? Earl Grey or Darjeeling? Slowly it dawned on me… Læs mere »What's for tea?
I know, the player looks weird, but you can still play it. It’s Dane singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town. If you can’t, go… Læs mere »On a happy & Christmassy note
The Health and Safety regulations concerning children in this country are going totally overboard. In young son’s previous school, a Church of England state primary,… Læs mere »It Really Must Stop
India Knight’s column in today’s Sunday Times is about fat people. I commented positively on it on Twitter and got some response that amply shows… Læs mere »Being fat
Earlier this week Dane and I went on a tour of the CBBC. As a fantastic bonus for my little Blue Peter super-fan, we were… Læs mere »Smile – if you can
Her name is Lenore and she’s a New Yorker. Some time ago she wrote a small article in a relatively obscure paper which inadvertently changed… Læs mere »I love this woman
Many months ago I got newsletter from RHS Wisley, which is right around the corner from where we live, so we go there all the… Læs mere »Music festival for the convenience generation (that's me)
After using new Netvibes tools to arrange all the blogs I follow into neat groups, easy to sort through, I’ve hardly looked at them. The… Læs mere »Something to be thankful for? (and Aristotle for kids)
Science: Activity in Caudate Nucleus (a part of our brain) predicts our choices. That’s another part of our brain that seems to be moored in… Læs mere »There's nothing a brain scan won't reveal
Had nice Mother’s Day with flowers – hand-picked at real florist by young son – and womenly presents. It was an incredibly beautiful day, so… Læs mere »What makes you happy? I know and you don't…
Feminism: It being Mother’s Day tomorrow, the Times has asked six women, mainly writers, to write a letter to their children at 21 (they all… Læs mere »Musings before Mother's Day