Andre sociale medier – 1
Det allervigtigste når man tænker på sociale medier i forhold til børn og unge er, at man ikke tænker på dem enkeltvis og isoleret. Selvom… Læs mere »Andre sociale medier – 1
Det allervigtigste når man tænker på sociale medier i forhold til børn og unge er, at man ikke tænker på dem enkeltvis og isoleret. Selvom… Læs mere »Andre sociale medier – 1
Jeg er for nylig begyndt at følge en blogger fra den amerikanske teleindustri på LinkedIn. Han beskæftiger sig meget med det samme hjørne af internettet,… Læs mere »Når netiquette bliver must-have og ikke bare nice-to-have
Forleden drak jeg kaffe med en ven, der arbejder for en konsulentvirksomhed. Han brokkede sig over, at det var en del af hans KPI, at… Læs mere »Corporate blogging – skal/skal ikke
I saw this tweet earlier today and was reminded of how often I get that feeling. One thing is that some people have the time,… Læs mere »Stealing sons’o’bitches
There’ll be nothing about politics in this post, I swear. Lacking that, however, I’ll encourage you to check this great fashion report from Vanity Fair,… Læs mere »Hung out to dry
It’s hard to think of much beside or above the events in Egypt. If it’s not at the forefront of your mind, take a moment,… Læs mere »Egypt, the entertainment industry and tea towels
I market myself as a kind of social media strategist. Anyone who knows about these things also knows that all good things come to an… Læs mere »*OMMMM*
Hasn’t it been a strange year? It has for me. Started at a low, but ended well. Lots of ups and downs along the way.… Læs mere »End of a Year
I learned cool stuff about WordPress (this blog is made with WordPress software) – some of which I think I have to refresh if I… Læs mere »I spent a day in the company of geeks
Some would say yes, others would say no. The yes-sayers are members of my family and some of my friends who find my rather intimate… Læs mere »Am I a geek?
Warning: The below is best described as ramblings rather than a coherent defense of feminism. Now you know, don’t say I didn’t warn you! Today… Læs mere »Here she goes again…
Better known as Denmark. Denmark is the kind of country where one of the most publicised points in the new Plan to Save the Country… Læs mere »Back in the Native Land
Knowing how it upsets quite a few of my male readers I just can’t help myself. It’s Ada Lovelace day today, so we’re celebrating women… Læs mere »Waving the feminist flag again
As regular readers will know I read and think (and subsequently write) a great deal about happiness. Quite often I’ve discussed the word happiness with… Læs mere »Contentedness
I’ve been reading some Danish blogs’n’stuff lately since I was in Denmark and was alerted to a friend’s new blog and reminded of an old… Læs mere »Pink
My blogging has been almost non-existent lately. And I can’t really tell you why! I so want to blog more and last week the lovely… Læs mere »Photo Meme
My instinct would be to brush off women who spend a lot of time and money on their looks as shallow. But through my life… Læs mere »Confessions of an unfashionista
In the car today, my youngest son (8) demanded an explanation of the word “depression”. Not sure where he’d picked it up – maybe he… Læs mere »Brain waves